Thursday, 29 June 2017
Thursday, 22 June 2017
This week we worked on our dust jackets in reading. Dust jackets are the outsides of books, and my book and "Not So Normal" We had been reading this book in "Colbolt" (my reading group)
My LPG is 8 I think.
My LPG is 8 I think.
This week we did some maths, and we played a game. It was helping us to remember our time tables. Then we would add all the time tables up, and it was who ever had the biggest number wins!
My LPG was 9.
My LPG was 9.
This week we were working on creative writing. First we got a sentence starter like "The fish had a wish, his was was to..." And then we could carry on with the story. Here is two of mine in one page.
LPG was number 21
LPG was number 21
Thursday, 15 June 2017
Today we were doing recipes for anything. My choice was to do a unicorn. Here is a photo of my working.
This week we were doing handwriting, and my goal was having a good size. (not to small, not to big.)
Thursday, 8 June 2017
Today we played target in maths for the first time in a while. You are probably wondering what target is! Well target is a game where the teacher rolls a dice and says it out loud and then you either put it in the tens or ones. The aim of the game is to get 100 by the end of the game and the teacher will end up rolling the dice 7 times at the end. The first time we played I got 101 the second time we played I got 101, and the third time we played I got 99. Here is a photo!
Today I think it was our last perswaysive writing time as a class, and I wrote about trying to convince most to help our school to change the lunchtime time from 12:00-12:55 but I want to change it to 12:30-1:30. Here are some reasons why: Well for starters it will be a bit sad because we only have one hour in the middle block to do our maths so thats not that good. Also if we havw more time to learn we will get a good job, and with a good job we will get money, and with that money we will spend it on food to keep us healthy, and also to have warm clothes and a house. Therefore I believe that our school should change the lunchtime time!

Thursday, 1 June 2017
Today we were doing handwriting and my focus was to keep my handwriting neat and tidy... How do you think I did?
Today we actually wrote a piece of writing to convince most to go on the disagreeing side of the reasons why we shouldn't turn our school into a mufti school. This is what I wrote. Today I am going to convince you to go onto the argument side of disagreeing that we shouldn't have a mufti school. Here are the reasons being: Well for starters the polo shirt represents our school and it says "Hurupaki cares. Another good reason is that our parents have spent so much money on our uniforms it would be very sad for all of that money to go to waste! Also another money problem: If our school does go mufti kids like us will want more clothes to wear because they will start to keep wearing the same clothes over and over again... And last but not least I think this school should be mufti free because some people will show off, or even maybe make fun of other outfits... Therefore I think our school should be mufti free!
Today we did a basic facts test and I got 73%100 and now I know what to work on if and when we have free time in maths. A fun mistake I made was the first one... It was 2+7 but I did 2x7 so I got my answer as 14! Here is a photo!
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